H-avo banana

The day was all going well, until about 7pm when Hannah, Nate & I were in the flat & smelt burning - the kitchen and dining room were full of thick thick smoke...the cooker was on full & the folded washing was on fire!!!! Quickly pulled it off, burning myself in the process and plunged it all into a bucket of water. The crazy thing is, we'd not used the cooker since 2,30 and the washing had been there since 3,30ish...plus all the knobs were at 0...weird!! I had to turn them on then off again before it turned off. Flung all the windows open & got fans going full blast. Needless to say, I won't be putting anything on the hob, even if I think it's all off. Also realised our building has no smoke alarms!

Drama of the day;
See above!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Having Hannah with me so she could get Nate out...the smoke was thick and horrible.
2) Being at home when it happened and minimal damage being done...except to my underwear and a few tops.
3) This dish of avo/banana that Nate was presented with at Nude this morning!

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