B's Place

A really odd day on the island...eerily quiet, then chaotic in certain areas, grey, incredibly humid & oppressive atmosphere...plus the revelation of 2 Daesh/ISIS terrorists who have been living here on the island, being arrested today. Ibiza just felt strange today... But it ended well with a great Caña Club...including 1 new guy, the brother of a friend, an old friend back visiting the island, plus the usual suspects...so quite a crowd really!

Those of you who know...the main house in this pic belongs to our friend Bernardus. 

Today I'm grateful for ;
1) This morning's prayer walk.
2) Seeing Marco Long-hair again (the reason the other Marco is known as Short-hair!) .
3) Finding Spain's answer to Fruit & Fibre cereal! And it's affordable! Hooray!!

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