Clean Up Day

Got lots done in the yard and a walk with my friend Sue too.  It was another perfect day.  Jon cut the lawn and cleaned up all the leaves and moments later they were falling so gracefully, drifting down onto that short green grass.  :-)

Set up my new "home office" as I'll be able to work from the comfort of home this winter.  The hospital provided my coworker and I with laptops, monitors, keyboard and mice.  Very excited about this as I'll need fewer clothes, put less miles on my car and use less gas.  Not to mention skipping that 40 minute commute each way.

And speaking of mice, we have been catching 2 or more in our attic and basement daily so I called my local pet rescue and hopefully by next weekend, we'll have a new member of our family, a cat with lots of energy and a killer instinct.

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