All girls looking good on the plot this morning - even Betsy looking ok! As it was such a lovely morning I spent some time clearing bits of my plot. I had lain my wool insulation from my food boxes over my plot to suppress weeds and compost down to feed the soil. But had not realised the polythene they were enclosed in would degrade so quickly. So I spent a long, mucky time releasing the wool from their bags! But since the soil contains Mycobacterium Vaccae the process made me very happy in lots of ways! 
This might explain why when I got home I dismantled the hen run in my garden! Not an easy process for two reasons - first I had to cut the overhanging piece of corrugated plastic that protected it from the rain. This involved a hacksaw and a penknife and much swearing! Then I had to find a screwdriver to dismantle the run - and most of my tools are on the allotment!   I finally found one buried in a cupboard and within minutes the run was in pieces! Once the run was loaded into my car - it will make a very good vegetable cover - I moved my pots around in the garden and stood back to admire it all. My what space I now have! At some point I will take the coop up to the allotment - will be useful for introducing new hens to the flock sometime in the future. Then I will have even more space! I took advantage of the space to put out my washing which can now spin round on the rotary line. Everything had to be judiciously placed to stop long items knocking the tops of the plants on the  plastic cover, and it could not spin as it's arms came up against the wall of my house! Doing washing has never been so pleasurable! 
Unfortunately things took a turn for the worse when I dropped the end of the outdoor wooden parasol on my big toe! You know the ones that sit in the middle of outdoor tables and have a lovely canvas canopy? Heavy buggers! As I was putting it away my hands slipped and the full weight hit my toe, and I wasn't wearing shoes  - imagine a pole being driven into the ground with a pole driver! On taking my sock off to put on some arnica I discovered a nice bloody gash, but hopefully that means it missed the nail and I won't lose it! 
So time to sit down before doing the evening close and taking the dismantled run to my shed. It was pretty blowy up there but the rain held off until just as I was leaving. On returning home I found a flood alert email! Might be worth a wander into the village tomorrow to see how high the river has come! 

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