This is Community

Not the greatest of photos (didn't feel right to intrude), but wanted to tell you this story because of the way it shows community here ... a week or so ago, a young Mourão man died suddenly in Brussels, where he had gone for a job. His parents died young and he was raised by aunts and a grandmother. No-one had the money to bring the body home, so they went to talk to the priest. He put an appeal on FB and notices in local shops - they needed 5,700 euros - bear in mind that there are only about 700 voters here, and most folk are struggling financially. Well, they had to close the account after two days to stop any more being given. I find that incredibly moving.

We waited along with many others for his body to arrive, by car from Belgium, at which point Sandra set off the bells (by remote control). This was when they were unloading the coffin - I assume the embraced couple in the thumbnail are his ex-wife and 15yr old son.

We didn't stay for the funeral, would never have fitted. Went off to Spain to buy fencing for our garden - as the extra shows.

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