twinned with trumpton


A full day out in the company of Iainatcreel. Hoy's premier tour guide. Edging out of Stromness across Scapa Flow, he announced the first point of interest would be the Dwarfie Stane with added eagles. (Distant / fleeting )

It would sell for significant sums if it were in EH5. Then onto Rackwick and the boys got their first look at the Old Man. (Extra to be added)

Pieces and beetroot soup consumed,  we returned to Rackwick before a yomp to Enegers - a wild and remote corner of an island that's already wild and remote.

A ferry back and the drive home for spaghetti bolognese and a quiet evening in front of the stove with a whisky.

A thoroughly marvellous day. Thanks Current Mr Creel.

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