Breakey Blips

By ElizabethB

Wednesday morning service

When I was a kid in Scotland, my mum would give us a hard time if we weren't outside on a sunny day.
It is still just Spring here and this is the 2nd 30C+ day this week. Suddenly we are plunged into sandals and light weight clothing. To maintain a comfortable temperature indoors, Aussies become adept at shutting out the sun before it gets a chance to over heat the room, and opening everything up after sunset to give the houses a chance to cool down again.
So 10am and already it is in the high 20Cs, the pedestal fan had been unearthed and we are living in muggy gloom.
The irony is that tomorrow it will rain, and the weekend is forecast to be a chilly 14C. Then we will be coaxing every skerrik of sunlight back into the houses!

I love sharing communion with the Wednesday ladies. They are smart, thoughtful and open to taking risks by sharing their thoughts about readings and life. It is so encouraging!

My extra is the sun loving flowers that we have grown from free cuttings.

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