Brain bouncing...

A very good film last night - La Source des Femmes, set in Morocco,covering all sorts of big issues - religion, feminism, men and women - that kind of thing! Done with grace and charm though, and some stunning photography.

The weather continues to be beautiful - mostly sunny and breezy with the occasional bibilical downpour. This is the journey to work - biggify to see the swans feeding on something that's brought down in the fresh water streaming off the mountain. Youngest girl (who in fact isn't the youngest anymore) was hyper today. I do brain gym with them to begin with and it's meant to quieten things down. No, her brain, she declared, was hyper and didn't want quietening! It wanted to bounce. Fair enough, a bit of brain bouncing can sometimes be good.

Good news - the card order has arrived and all looks fine, after the hoohah of the last one. We are trying a new type of card too - slighty thicker and with a very subtle sheen. Looks rather good.

It's TJ's birthday and we are all meeting at Annabel's later - we are making brusecetta for starters. I won't tell you what she's getting as a pressie in case she reads this. Should be a good evening.

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