All dug up

Two men started jack hammering at 6am yesterday, just a small hole but with lots of the group (seated) must've finished when I woke up at 730. No jack hammer in sight, maybe by hand? Imported labour is so cheap...

Nice day at the pool. Until I jammed my finger. Then I tried to ask for recommendations for a pharmacy near home... the new caretaker knows so little English, his buddy called the former caretaker who knows more, then it was a three way chat, me pointing to my finger to the buddy, then the buddy on the phone, me on the phone, then thankfully some prospective tenants arrived who spoke English and all was fixed. More painful than anything else. 

All I wanted was an English speaking pharmacist. Arabic lessons will start next year. And of course, the irony is, being a language teacher I know many ways to translate etc but a bit of pain in a strange land and the brain can go to mush..

And a lazy evening at home. Back to work tomorrow.

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