Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Lucky dog

Well, that 'real routine' didn’t last long. I didn’t bother going today - I’ve declared Sundays a gym free zone. Mainly because I like Sunday morning TV, which is ridiculous, because I can watch everything later on iPlayer...

Archie and I sat out in the sun for a while before he went out with Becky. They go to Harrison Park and play with a wee normal sized frisbee. He had a wee rest before Annemique came to take him out again, this time across the Meadows (Annemique sent this sunny photo) where she had lunch in a dog friendly cafe, and he was very good, happy to watch carefully while she ate her steak sandwich. What an active weekend he's had, with four dog walkers. That's a record!

We didn’t go far, as although he was out all day, there was a swap over in the middle. In fact, I did a bit of tidying of the spare room. JR has been in the tidying mood all week, and has sorted out a lot of 'stuff'.

She found:
eight pairs of scissors
four new packs of 'post it' notes
five and a half rolls of sellotape
a box of dozens of 1p and 2p coins
three of the soon-to-be-obsolete old £1 coins,
dozens of cords and plugs of all sorts
a packet of balloons
a tin of usable silver coins

and that's just in ONE drawer...

I helped by going along to the shop to spend the three old £1s before the midnight deadline, and to donate the pile of copper coins to the charity box. The Magnum corner was bare, all the boxes gone, and no wonder, at £1.75 per box of four! Sorry I missed that bargain, but two big bars of fruit'n'nut were a good exchange.

Last episode of Outlandish, sorry, Outlander tonight. If you like scenes of graphic violence and graphic sex, interspersed with a rambling plot and frequent ad breaks, but with a handsome man in a kilt, then it's for you. But I don’t think we'll bother with the next (three) series.

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