Its the Way It Is

By Jeano

Cool for Cats

The Vet asked me to go and take photos of the Dublin Cat Show where she is the attendant Vet for the day. It was her first big public assignment and she did great. I took a bunch of photos on our big Canon camera of her examining all the cats at the check-in registration and it all went well. I was nervous that I wouldn't do it all justice but I am pleased with the outcome. The photos show her examining the cats and talking to the owners and she is smiling her beautiful smile (like the cat that got the cream). Oh how proud her Dad would be.

My friend Rachel came along to take back-up photos in case I didn't do a good job. Thanks Rachel - we enjoyed our big breakfast afterwards.

I have had such a nice day.

My pic shows a lady (whose permission I asked) with her rescue cat Jasmine who was entered in the Beautiful House Pet category. Some of the other breeds were amazing. These pics are taken with my phone (oh I can be so lazy betimes)

Shhhh - I didn't tell Vincey boy that I kinda like cats too.


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