Little piggies

I am very lucky as I live just down the road from the Knepp castle estate  which is home to an amazing rewilding project. According to rewilding Britain ' Knepp Wildland's ethos is to allow natural processes rather than aiming for any particular goals or outcomes. Free-roaming grazing animals - cattle, ponies, pigs and deer - drive this process-led regeneration. They act as proxies for herbivores that would have grazed the land thousands of years ago. Their different grazing preferences help create a mosaic of habitats from grassland and scrub to open-grown trees and wood pasture.'
It is a truly amazing place with huge numbers of species now living there including Turtle doves, Nightingales and Purple emperor butterflies.
Robyn and I decided to visit this afternoon for a walk along one of the footpaths that criss-cross the scrub lands in the southern sector. 
These adorable Tamworth piggies were having a quick nap under an oak tree just inside the gate, they really didn't seem at all bothered by us, content to lay in the rough ground they had just churned up with their powerful snouts.
I have a really soft spot for pigs and these were just adorable.  I have added another shot of the lovely Longhorn cattle that also followed us around on our walk, Robyn wasn't too sure of them, but I thought they were fine, even the one who stamped her foot at me!!

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