With mountains like these

By Sollergirl


Tui to O Porrinho.

Fortified with Spanish hostelry, we decided today would be the last leg (haha!) as we had little time left. Although some like to flog themselves, we were supposed to be enjoying the trip, not making it a complete penance. 

The entry into Spain was interesting, partly due to the events of the weekend Catalan referendum and partly due to the differences between Portugal and Spain. I found our Portuguese encounters incredibly warm and wholesome, what little people had, they were so willing to share and always with a huge smile. Spain seemed a little less friendly in some ways, slightly less ready smiles, but maybe that was the political climate we had entered. 

The camino was also more confusing. Previously we could take the wrong route due to poor signage, but now there was purposeful wrecking of the system. We never really worked out why. Someone's business losing out after diversions, annoyance for locals from the tramping feet and clacking if poles, it wasn't clear. Some diligent path makers made sure we could enjoy the last part of our route through O Porrinho, along the stream beneath the eucalyptus trees, with baby trout swimming in the cool water. For that we were very grateful.

A rather absurd night at out lodgings out of town. Napoleon complex owner??? Anyway, we slept a lot....

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