I'm confessing straight off, this is a blip cheat!! Taken a couple of days ago...but today I haven't really taken any pics, not even on my phone.
Poor Nate is full of cold and has a nasty cough, so much of my day was spent cuddling and breastfeeding him. I do feel sorry for him. He's had quite a good food day though, I made him sweet potato 'chips', then later butternut squash and apricot purée - he enjoyed both.
Today was my Auntie Val's funeral...wish I could have been there with everyone...

Today I'm grateful for;
1) The fitness class. We 5 moms worked SO hard...it feels good (but also painful!).
2) Mishkid sending me a pic of my Dad from the funeral - was glad to have a snapshot in.
3) Asha declaring, whilst blowing bubbles, "this is the life!" Ha!

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