Rock & Roll

I'm glad to have finally bought a rug to put down for Nate to roll on...he's way too mobile to be on the bed...and our floors are all hard cold as he's got such a heavy head, he smacks it down hard when he's on his tummy - definitely don't want him doing that on the tiles! Anyway, he seems to approve of this rug!

Had a last minute logistics thing when someone needed our car...but it worked out in Asha's favour as it meant walking to get her and having a stop at the golden arches whilst we stayed in the school area for Nate's 6 month check at the doctors. It worked out even better for Asha as she bumped into a beloved friend (who moves back to Italy in a week) & got to play.
Nate's check up went well - 90th percentile for weight and 100th for length! Not that we needed it confirming that he's a big baby, ha!

Caña Club tonight...good to catch up...though Nate's underslept today so wasn't too happy.

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Nate being healthy!
2) Asha & Teresa's delight at bumping into each other.
3) James lending me his camera as a back up for a wedding this Friday.

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