Fruitful Search

Regular visitors may remember that a while back I mentioned our attempts to find out more about Tess's Dad's birth mother.

Today we attended a very useful (and totally free) two hour course on how to trace your family tree at our local library, run by the Somerset & Dorset Family History Society.

The tutor introduced to a number of useful websites and how to use them. As a result, we were able to confirm the name and details of his mother and find this record of Tess's Dad's birth, registered under his mother's maiden name. We should now be able to send off for a copy of this birth certificate and hopefully find more details. Whether there will be any reference to his birth father seems unlikely, given that Ron was registered in his birth mother's maiden name.

Interestingly we were also able to find out that in 1950, at the age of 42, she set sail on the Queen Mary for New York. A week after she arrived, she married an American in Lewis County, Washington. We can only surmise that this was the result of a wartime romance with a US serviceman, though why she waited until 5 years after the war to go out there is another matter.

At least we've got some more leads to go on.

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