
A good day today with Mum. In the morning, we went into Milton Keynes to do a bit of shopping, a friend of Mum's who'd spent some years in Africa came round to lunch (lovely talking Africa with her!) and late afternoon we went to Ikea for more shopping! All very satisfying! Before returning home, we went for a short walk around the local lake for some fresh air (and my blip). I always enjoy a walk there. There were herons and swans and the leaves were changing colour - lovely! There was hardly anyone else there, except this young man who seemed to be deep in contemplation (and his music!).

In all, a great and full day, rounded off with a lovely dinner and a glass of wine! I think we'll both sleep well tonight!

Many thanks for everything for yesterday's blip and for 'The Day's End' that is sitting comfortably on Page One!

Ann :))

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