Mr B is off again, though sadly not with the airline that supplies him with little houses full of gin*. Even though he will be away for less time than every other week, it feels different because its further away. A time difference thing, I guess.
While he spent most of the day between flights at Heathrow, I pushed on with school work (yup, still going...), work, housework and other boring stuff. This afternoon, more phone tussles. TallGirl seems to have forgotten to turn wifi on, and has burned through a month's data in three days, and I am making another brave attempt to switch CarbBoy onto a better system. Cue one hour on web chat to achieve nothing (well, nothing phone related - I did book all our holiday peripherals though).
Tomorrow I will achieve more. And some of what I achieve will be in the garden.
*We don't actually know what they're full of...
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