Growing old disgracefully



I struggled with taking images today. On one hand I had a whole day to myself with my camera on the incredibly beautiful Isle of Mull. On the other hand I was exhausted from two days of training. I think I am also responding to the OU course by becoming self conscious about my photography in a way that is uncomfortable for me at present. I felt a bit like someone who is sat down before a gourmet feast and can't enjoy it because they don't know which fork it's proper to use.

Anyway, I liked these wee shells on the machir at Calgary.

Just posted images from the last four days - couldn't do it earlier as I had unreliable wifi on Mull

Mist, rainbows, cliffs and rockfalls
Camera shy herons
The wonderfully imaginative garden at Lip na Cloiche
Coming home to my man


Lots of strolling along the shore, hardly aerobic

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