I'm sure I've been to meetings that were more useless than this one but I'm hard pressed to think of where or when that might have been. Put it this way, the most interesting thing about it was looking out the window and seeing how the distant skyline has changed now that the Mitchelhill high rise flats have been demolished.
But it was a sunny and a reasonably pleasant train ride to Glasgow sitting opposite a wee man in a smart grey suit with a big red drinkers face who was necking white wine and reading this month's Classic Tractor magazine (incorporating Tractor Trader).
And let's not forget the three women I had to walk behind, since they were spread right across the pavement, discussing their WeightWatchers 'sins', how many sins are in a bottle of wine and how a good night would be a bottle of Prosecco to start, then six ciders before moving onto vodka. That's a lot of sins. And it was a wide pavement. They did look like unrepentant sinners.
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