Feelin' Good

Simone sings it so well!
I woke to a beautiful morning and so went for an early morning walk. I didn't go as far as the the river as intended as I knew I would take too many photos and give myself an unnecessary dilemma. So just a small circuit which actually was fortuitous as my heart began to beat rapidly on the uphill walk and I didn't feel so good! Damn not another day when I wouldn't get to the shops I thought. But a little trip you know where put everything back in proportion and once more a lesson to self to listen to my body but not to get the message wrong by allowing my mind to think the worst! 
I had messaged my friend to say what a beautiful morning it was and how particularly so for her - well not as it tuned out. Now the hospital says it could be cancer. How could they give her such contradictory news barely 24 hours later? Devastating  for them all.
I gave myself a couple of hours then went shopping. I knew if I wasn't careful this was going to (had!) turn into a bit of a thing and I needed to get over it. So the usual food for me, the cats, the gecko and chickens! I was very good and had a list to keep me  from splurging - yeh that didn't work so well! Baclava and Pasteis de Nata found their way into my trolley! But so did a veritable orchard of fruit to make smoothies! I'm good at eating vegetables but not fruit - I do love the look, smell and taste of it but for some reason I don't eat it unless it's in a salad or with cheese! I am more of a hot pudding gal - well apart from cakes! I stopped on the way back at the post office and felt quite pleased to have got everything I wanted done.
Once home I tipped the locusts into the vivarium and could not believe Gunther - straight out from under his log to the plastic containers and he literally pounced on a locust! He has never done this before! Well hungry obviously! There were other locusts in with him but too high up for a non-climbing gecko! 
I then unpacked my bags and put things away in my lovely clean fridge and cupboards - I've been doing a lot of cupboard cleaning over the last few weeks. Oh what a pleasure that was - orderly cupboards! Isn't there a saying - tidy home tidy mind? I think it's true!
 I honestly don't remember the last time I felt so good. Cue another song!

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