
By Houseonahill6

In the night time

A busy Brownie session tonight with the Countryside Ranger. Looking mainly at Nocturnal animals. A crime scene had been set up and the girls had to work out what gas happened by the clues that had been left behind , e.g. Feathers, footprints, a broken egg and an owl pellet (which they thought was poo )
I took along some video clips from the Scoutcam which included the pine marten of course, a fox cub, badger , mice, a vole and a hedgehog.
Think I must be tired as found it hard work tonight. Does nt help when you can't get to our new storage area as it's full of chairs, the car park was out of bounds because of the building work in the Church grounds and I needed to be in early, which I booked but the Leisure Centre had thought it was last week. Fortunately they did let me in with plenty of time .

Had a problem loading blip tonight , so hope this works !

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