
By Hamp5on

Asha & Ana-Luiza's party

A hugely busy day with hundreds of potential back blips!! We've had to kill and prepare 2 goats for the party tonight (made me feel queasy), I've been round Trapia with asha, introducing her to people I used to know - it's so crazy to see her in this context - in a life I used to live...crazy to bring the husband here too...amazing though.
My godmother has been baking a HUGE cake all morning, the party for the 2 girls will be VERY well attended! We brought party bags from the UK here...
Because it's easter weekend, we'll be having an all night church service in true Trapia style! It starts with the party, then usual church, then a big dance called a forro, then games til 4am, then communion by the water hole til 5 then bed!

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