Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Keith and His Clarinet

At church this morning, the music team did "Swing Music Sunday." Rather than doing any modern choruses, they chose all the traditional hymns and put them into "Swing" rhythm. They did a good job and had the help of a guest, Keith, who used to be the music director at the church. Keith played his clarinet and his saxophone. The music this morning was quite a treat.

Currently Keith has a band of his own that plays several nights a week at supper clubs in our local area. A couple of the guys from our praise team are in Keith's band and Lia, one of our college-age gals who sings in the praise team and has a Diana Krall voice and style, also sings in Keith's band.

The remainder of the day was extremely hot. We reached a high of 100 degrees F today. The prediction is for high heat for much of the rest of the week.

I've been grading, and grading, and grading student papers. I'm exhausted and need to get to bed. So I'm done for this day.

Good night from Southern California.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

P.S. One thing that did take me away from grading for a while this afternoon was bathing the three pooches. It was a team effort with Mr. Fun doing the shampooing and I did the drying and brushing. It's always a crazy fun moment. The pups love being clean; they do not love getting a bath.

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