
By HareBrain

A part of the roof in St. Mary's Church, Nantwich, Cheshire where Himself and I attended a beautiful wedding ceremony this afternoon of a very dear friend of ours whose wife died some years ago. He has met a lovely lady, whose husband died some years ago too. We are all so pleased for them both and the wedding ceremony was gorgeous, wonderful choir and organist, and an emotional but up-lifting ceremony in this lovely church. Although there has been a church on the site since at least 1050, the present building, sponsored by the Cistercian abbey of Combemere, dates from 1380.

Congratulations Brian and Jackie - so glad you have found each other - wishing you many more happy years together.

The reception was great too and we had bangers 'n' mash, champagne and more champagne (etc) but still standing and home in plenty of time to post this little blip!!

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