Swings and wraps

End of September already - can hardly believe it. Countdown to Ben's birthday has begun in earnest. Took the printed invitations with me to church and wrote the information in them while Charley played in creche, and managed to deliver ALL the church ones! Another handful to hopefully deliver tomorrow at school, and then we're up against the clock to prepare.

We had another morning where both Steve and I were on duty - Steve on PA and me singing, so even though I didn't have to be there as early as Steve I still didn't have time for breakfast so we called in at the shop on the way to buy croissants and donuts to stop us collapsing. I think both kids had sore throats last night. I didn't get much sleep.

Ben sat and ate his breakfast on his own for a bit then tacked himself on to Nathaniel's family for the rest of the morning - we are so blessed, really, that we have such good friends that our kids can just do that and not think twice!

Charley stayed on my back in a double hammock (I am SO glad I've got that wrap licked!) for the practise, with a quick unwrap and rewrap to remove coats and things. He stayed up there while I sang with the band and it wasn't exactly quiet and I'm sure I tried jumping at one point before realising that he'd fallen asleep!! He slept thru the entire set, Steve tucked his head in for me at the end, and I went and sat in creche after that so I could give my back a rest - not the easiest of wrap styles to sit down in really, it's a "get on and do stuff" wrap.

He woke in time for snack in creche, then we headed back into the service for communion and the second music set. This time he was awake though and didn't like the quiet bits in between songs but was still amazingly good.

Home briefly after church for lunch, where we found something really quite incredible on our doorstep - the first time ever that we've been given money anonymously, we're really quite humbled by it, and very thankful and grateful!, and then out to the beach. It was one of those afternoons where as tired as I was I couldn't cope with just moping around the house so we wrapped up and headed out. Quick blow along the front, and then home via the cafe for a quick warm, and the playpark for a runabout and a swing. I've somehow come home with a large rock (a "shooting spaceship" apparently) in my coat pocket.

Home for dinner which Charley thought was SO good that he was trying to suck the gravy out of his bib sleeves where it had soaked up!! It was tasty. Very very yummy leftover ham dinner! The boys were SO tired though. Charley was making contented little eating noises sounding like he could fall asleep at a moment's notice, and Ben was tottering from meltdown to meltdown he was that tired. They hit their pillows asleep, almost.

And now. Listening to the Tron soundtrack, discussing and sorting out blogs and other social media stuff with Colin and Pam, laughing at how similar married couples can be!

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