Freak Shot!!

This is nothing short of a freak shot. I could not believe my luck. I decided to clear a bit more of the bracken from the area close to the driveway this afternoon. It's green bin night and I like to try and take advantage of the council pick up each fortnight. As I was clipping the bracken I noticed the tiniest little flower hiding amongst the leaf litter. It was so tiny you would almost miss it. When I looked closer I got the shock of my life. It was an orchid!! It is the most minute orchid I have ever seen in my life and I have certainly never seen one on Wombat Hollow before. I raced back to the house to tell CCN about my find and because of the lateness of the hour decided that my best option was my iphone6 with the olloclip macro attached.

Now it's not easy for a wombat to lie down flat amongst the bushes but that was the only way I was going to get a shot of this tiny orchid. I estimate it was around 1/2 a centimetre in width. When I went through my images on the computer I was absolutely astonished to see a tiny insect on one of the petals. It wasn't possible to see it without the macro lens. I can't even start to tell you how excited I am to see these exquisite little flowers.

I put through a call to my blip buddy rainie in New Zealand and asked advice as to how I could take an image with my Tamron Macro lens with extension tubes attached. Armed with rainie's wisdom I'm going to head up there early tomorrow and once again attempt to photograph this amazing orchid. I'm just hoping and praying that they will still be in flower tomorrow. You just never know with these fragile little gems. No doubt I will report in tomorrow. In the meantime, please enjoy my best effort tonight in LARGE :-)

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