Brian's 50th Birthday

It's been a glorious day of sunshine.  Lovely and warm again too.

Up early and headed out after breakfast.  We headed south on a bus and joined up with other holiday makers for a tour on the moon buggies.  20km heading off road and down to the most southerly tip of the island.  We stopped off at a beach, then the lighthouse and also a lunch break at Puerto de la Cruz and a chance of a walkabout.  20km off road and headed back to the hotel after.  There will be a few celebration drams later tonight.

The moon buggies were great fun today, and it was all for Brian's big 50th birthday, and the reason we are on holiday this month.  A dram at midnight last night, but we'll have a few more tonight.  L-R - Sidney Nicolson, me, Peerie Brian Smith and Carol Jamieson.  Taken near Puerto de la Cruz, Fuerteventura.  

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