Pink Twinkles

By Pinktwinkles

Aliens Love Underpants!

Aliens love underpants
Of every shape & size
But there are no underpants in space
So here's a big surprise....

When aliens fly down to Earth
They don't come to meet YOU...
They simply want your underpants
I'll bet you never knew!

Their spaceship's radar bleeps & blinks
The moment that it sees
A washing line of underpants
All flapping in the breeze

They land in your back garden
Though they haven't been invited
"Oooh underpants!" they chant
And dance around, delighted.

They like the red, they like them green
Or orange like satsumas
But best of all they love the sight
Of Granny's spotted bloomers.

Mum's pink frilly knickers
Are a perfect place to hide
And Grandpa's woolly long Johns
Make a super-whizzy slide.

In daring competitions
Held up by just one peg
They count how many aliens
Can squeeze inside one leg.

They wear pants on their feet and heads
And other silly places
They fly pants from their spaceships and
Hold upside down pant races!

As they go zinging through the air
It really is pants-tastic
What fun the aliens can have
With pingy pants elastic!

It's not your neighbours naughty dog
Or next door's funny game.
When underpants go missing,
The aliens are to blame!

But quick! Mum's coming out to fetch
The washing in at last.
Wheeee! off the aliens all zoom
They're used to leaving fast...

So when you put your pants on
Freshly washed and nice and clean
Just check in case an alien
Still lurks inside unseen!

This is my favourite childs book called "Aliens Love Underpants" by Claire Freedman & Ben Gort. It won the Richard & Judy childrens book award, and I think it's easy to see why. Kory (age 3) giggles his way through it and ALWAYS checks his pants before he puts them on in the morning!!

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