
By Bigdreamer

Vietnamese for lunch

I had just finished making a nice cuppa tea for the morning . Miss Maddie came running up so excited to greet me good morning and flung her arms around my middle my cup of tea was completly emptied on to my legs, I screamed and jumped around but that was pretty useless. My legs were a lovely red color with a nasty scould up and down them. Hmmmm I suddenly didn't feel like my morning tea. Maddie was quite upset.

I spent the day hobbling around as my legs were still stinging. Kids were tired today after a late night and a day full of running around yesterday. Did a bit of spring cleaning, while kids plottered around the house. Dad had made a bonfire outside to clear away some fallen trees, the girls enjoyed helping to put fallen brunches on to it. Last one before summer I suppose.

We decided to get everyone out of the house, we went for a drive and ended up getting vietnamese for lucnh, the girls demolished every dish we ordered!! I must admit it was very tasty. It didn't look like much from the outside, really small and tiny inside almost like a narrow hall way in a house but a bit wider. The people inside were lovely, they didn't know very much english so we just pointed to what we wanted on the menu. It was really aurthentic Vietnamese food. I think we will definatley go back there.

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