Scenes from my desk

By alaistairsdesk

The Laird's "Man Flu International Pandemic&q

Sitting here in Auckland feeling lousy!
Yet another lemsip, and getting ready for the sleeping tablets.

I've just spent 30 hours in the air.

Boeing 737 Glasgow to Heathrow
Qantas A380 (double decker) Heathrow to Singapore
Off and back onto the same A380 Singapore to Sidney
back onto a small B737 Sidney to Auckland.

I left on Friday night and arrived Sunday lunchtime...where did the weekend go?

Sat all the way feeling miserable, drinking more lemsip and sleeping pills.

And I reckon I probably infected at least 1000 people with the "Laid's Lurgi". H1N1 has nothing on that.....

Competition time. I was logging each of the airports on my GPS and the distance I flew between each one. So answers please on a postcard....and you may even get a packet of Tim Tams! as a prize.

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