Living in Manchester

By Theboysmum

Granny stuff.

Inspired by Mrs W and having nothing else to blip.....
I bring you his hideous jug and a story.

This belonged to my Irish Granny (Who was a very lovely woman but died in 1972)

It was bought for her by her second youngest son my Uncle Frank (Who was my Godfather and favourite Uncle - he died from a very sudden heart attack while eating his Sunday dinner the day after the Hillsborough tradgedy. The day he died was my Dad's 66th birthday)

Back to the jug,,,,,
Uncle Frank bought it in Germany when he was in the Airforce in the 1950's (maybe late 40's)

When Granny died Dad brought it over from Ireland.

When Dad died (Stroke, 2010) we had to clear out his house.
Who should take the jug?
No one was too keen.
One of my brothers went as far as to say that if he took it home divorce papers would be certian to follow!!!!!!
I thought that was a bit harsh.

The jug now resides on my dining room mantle together with other tat family heirlooms.

Thank you Uncle Frank xxx

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