Little Jimmy Ganfoaldini

...continued from yesterday...

"Boys" declared Alphonse Capony, "None of you move. Just chow down. This punk is mine!"

The leadfoot wasn't moving and Capony had a moment of doubt. Maybe it wasn't going to be a simple takedown after all. Maybe his plan to get back in the Don's good books could fail spectacularly.

Then out of nowhere Little Jimmy turned up like a party balloon that some shmuck had been blowing up and has let go of too soon (Capony was proud of that analogy. He resolved to use it sometime).

"Alan! Alan! Alan! Alan!"

"It's Al..." growled Capony, "Al! Now go play kid. I got business to take care of."

"I gotta show ya something! I just gotta show ya!" exclaimed Jimmy excitedly.

"It'd better be good kid. There's room on this guy's pillow for another head ya know!"

Confusion flashed across Jimmy's face. Capony debated whether to explain the 'horses head' reference but then decided he didn't need to as it might break the flow of the erm... story...

All this time the black box leadfoot was watching on, circling round, sizing them up.

"Oh! Oh! Oh! An audience!!!" Exclaimed Jimmy. "Pony Capone's been teaching me something! Look! I'm going to Hollywood Baby"

Alphonse Capony looked on aghast as Little Jimmy squared up to the black box kid and with an impossibly cheesy grin, started to line dance while singing "Achy Breaky Heart". Poorly.

The moment was gone. The black box kid pointed his 'whatever it was', pressing the button gleefully.

Capony was just grateful the rest of the boys were more interested in grass than in the proceedings, as he walked away shaking his head, his fight gone away like a party balloon that some shmuck had.....

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