Give Me Caffeine....

By Caffeinated


Peace and Love. There is none here though.

Left work an hour early (unpaid) to get to my psychiatrists appointment. I was really anxious and had butterflies. I didn't know who I was going to see.
Again, mysterious faces when I told her who I was. Unbelievably this appointment was also cancelled; it was only made last week! 'Oh did you not get our letter' she asked. 'No' I replied. She was very apologetic but as I explained last weeks fiasco and now this, I was in tears. I had let myself down. I couldn't even be strong enough and have a conversation.

I told her how it's not easy coming to these appointments, and then factor in a new psychiatrist and the anxiety heightens. Again she apologised and said she would let her line manager know the situation.
I know have an appointment on the 17th October which the letter behind the door tonight informs me!
My friend put it well 'that place is full of f****** useless and incompetent people!

From there I went for a coffee then along to see Grandma who was fast asleep in bed. Gggrr. She wouldn't waken, and was told she'd been sleeping since lunch time.

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