Monday: Dawson City

Today has been such an incredibly full day. It started off with meetings and briefings in Whitehorse, followed by a flight to Dawson City. The views were absolutely amazing - completely unpopulated but full of greens, yellows and golds.

A short drive from the airport to Dawson City. Generously, our programme allowed us some time to look around. What a town! It's like a Klondike movie set - yet it's a completely real and breathing city, almost slightly resentful of outsiders.

An 'official' dinner but still pretty casual in nature. After dinner, our programme took us to 'Diamond Tooth Gerties', a dance show of the gold rush can imagine what that was like! Several of my colleagues are still in a state of shock.

This was followed by me offering myself up on behalf of my colleagues to drink the 'Sourtoe Cocktail'. Short story - it's a severed toe, immersed in a drink (usually whisky) of your choice. If your lips make contact with the toe, you are Inducted in the Sourtoe Hall of Fame. Suffice to say, I'm now in there. Seriously, it's a load of fuss about nothing - it just feels like a bit of gristle (you can google said cocktail)......

And now I'm very tired because rumour had it the northern lights were due to be good tonight. So I kept popping out with colleagues to wait for a while, come in again, go out again.....suffice to say, nothing has happened yet.....and it's way past my bedtime.

P.S. (Sour)Toe in the extra

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