Catherine Lacey: BoyStory

By catherinelacey


{Best large}

Thanks Blipcentral for the Staff Pick. And what a pick up that was after a nasty yesterday. There were actually more coherent musings on the Endeavour in the following day's Blip once I'd got over the ecstasy of the event.

I'll link to the pics taken a few seconds after this so you can see with Callum, the apparent scowl was a ruse. He squints his left eye when he's deep in though, raising his sandy-coloured brows in the centre. Though I wonder how it actually feels to be photographed so much. Reuben gets more enjoyment from looking at pics of Callum than he does of being photographed himself, Callum often asks me to "quick, get the camera". If he tells me, "no pictures", I of course oblige. So I'd like to think there's an understanding.

Managed to leave the house today to take the boys to school having felt bad they had to stay at home with me yesterday because I was sick. I'm no worse today, which is perhaps akin to saying I'm much better.

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