Catherine Lacey: BoyStory

By catherinelacey

Nursery rhymes

A beautiful morning at school with Callum and then whilst waiting the hour before Reuben could be picked up, both schools too far from home to return for that time, and with Callum having routinely fallen asleep in the seat behind, I headed down to the beach with a copy of Us Weekly trashy magazine, some Whole Foods chocolate (toffee and sea salt), Coldplay on the stereo and my friend Mary on text, and savored every last moment of me time.

An unadulterated, uplifting email this morning really set the tone for the day. Thank you so much - you know who you are.

Callum and I made homemade pizza and lo and behold, he didn't notice the fresh herbs surreptitiously stashed under the mozzarella when he wasn't looking. The boys helped out on a few chores around the house as I've been by myself for the week and the inevitable chaos brothers mess has set in (I sacked another night nurse yesterday who thought it prudent to leave Reuben lying on wet bedclothes all night and considered it sufficient to throw a few more sheets on top. I'm of course grateful for the large pile of laundry she has left me, the original mess and the makeshift barrier to wetness. Time to go it alone without nursing, surely, finally?).

Right off to bed. A big event is happening tomorrow and I need my sleep...

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