Kicking up the spray

Heavy showers on the road this morning with strong sunshine in between, provided some great lighting when the sun was shining on the spray kicked up by the cars and lorries. My camera was by my side and I had no idea of the setting except that I'd had it set for similar conditions when coming over the tops by Braemar. I couldn't look through the viewfinder either and the more sensible blippers might question the wisdom and the legality of taking shots while driving. But I did have one hand on the wheel throughout; neither was I driving bumper to bumper like some of those in this shot.

Driving nearly 600 miles in one go was a bit barmy too; don't think I'll do that again. The river was dropping back nicely yesterday and we both had fish. I've no doubt that the rods who have the last two days of the season will also be in for some good fishing. I suppose it was a long way to go for four days fishing. Anyway, that's it for a while. Time now to get the rod fixed and waders repaired before it all kicks off again in the spring.

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