
By Pleach

No peace round here

"I just can't get any peace here in St Andrew's Square now."

"Well you look nice and peaceful just lying there."

"Listen! What can you hear? Drill, drill, bang, bang, all day long. And it's been going on for weeks with no sign of stopping. It's those tram works over there."

"Those? I've just flown over the bus station and even the buses can't get into it without having to go up a narrow backstreet now that York Place is being dug up. The poor bus drivers have to keep changing their routes and no two months are the same."

"I was pleased when my sculptor, Ronald Rae, agreed to me being moved here as there are so many interesting things happening and people passing by. But it was much quieter when I was down beside Holyrood Park.

"You don't realise how lucky you are. It is relatively quiet here. All over Edinburgh city centre it is a mess with the noise and disruptions of this tram fiasco. I see and hear it all as I travel around. But time now for me to fly and see what's new."

"See you later then."

I have decided to do an occasional series of images of animals or creatures so this is the fourth.
First, The Duke Of Wellington's horse. (Sep 17) ;
second, the sheep (Sep 23); third, playpark (Sep 25)

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