Long Weekend in New Zealand...

I had a very pleasant surprise this morning. Well, as pleasant as anything can be at 04:45 when I got up to get the taxi to the train station, train to london and Tube to the office...

One of my firends who stalks (I mean follows) my journal had read I was going to be in london and emailed to say he would be free at lunchtime for a quick bite ... before going to the airport for a long weekend in New Zealand.

Yee, you did read that right. His kid brother is getting married in New Zealand on Sunday and because of the timing and family commitments unfortunately the whole family can't go, but he is making the (herioc) effort to travel all the way to NZ via Hong Kong and Sydney to go to the stag night and wedding and back again in five days. Hands up who thinks he'll be a zombie for weeks when he gets back :-)

So, this is him posing for blip and for his kids who might see it tonight!

D - enjoy the wedding and pass on our love to S & A too.

I'm off out tonight with McDawg and Bisk in foggy London town, so Ill pass on your hellos and stuff too.

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PS: Thanks for all the kind comments on Yesterday's "The Lovers" blip - very surprised about the response.

I also see that a year ago I shot a portrait of bri and he shot one of me.

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LOTD: Gabbahey's "blown out" blip of Mandy is a great portrait. A fantastic angle.

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