The white stuff

Today's the day ........................... to drinka pinta milka

Someone once told me that if you were going to buy anything organic - make sure it was milk. I think that was because milk can end up full of anti-biotics and other chemicals depending on what has been fed to the cows that produced it. Anyway, we have followed this bit of advice and buy organic milk whenever we can.

I think we are very lucky to have our milk delivered at the crack of dawn by an actual milkman - and what's more, it comes in glass bottles. These bottles have obviously been re-cycled many times and it's interesting to see where they have come from.

Swarthmoor Hall near Ulverston is known as the cradle of Quakerism because in the mid-17th Century Judge Thomas Fell and his wife Margaret provided protection and hospitality for early Quakers, notably George Fox (its founding father) and allowed the Hall to be a headquarters for the movement.

Presumably, once upon a time, it would have been possible to buy your milk directly from both White House Dairy and Swarthmoor Hall Farm - but now it probably all goes to a central processing point. Ah well, it's still nice to pour your milk out of a bottle that comes with a bit of history attached .........................

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