an old cynic's view

By superhero

Where have you two been all day ?????

Seems to be what she is saying. Douglas and Margaret (camera,books, and music) are over from The States visiting his two lovely Aunts Nan and Betty in Motherwell.
Jane and I were invited for "a wee cup of tea " at lunchtime today.
I had met them before and told Jane what to expect, a truly wonderful home made buffet.
No disappointment there then!!!!
Home made ,sausage rolls, sandwiches , walnut loaf, cheese scones ,almond slices , meringues ,so much in fact I was waiting for the bus party to arrive :)
After about 2 hours my stomach could take no more and I really felt I had to drive home before I fell asleep :)
I suggested to Jane it was time for us to go and the reply was " you will have another gallon of tea and a bit of cake"
Eventually we got home at 4-30 after picking Snuffles up.
Thank you Aunty Nan and Aunty Betty for a wonderful spread and lovely company.
Douglas and Margaret Haste Ye Back !!!!
I am going fo a nap now !!!!!
btw these 2 are only youngsters in their 80s I kid you not.

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