an old cynic's view

By superhero

Its hard being a snapper with Snuffles !!!

This was taken on a visit to my Dad and just before I tried to take a shot of some ducks from a stair down to the Leven when disaster happened.
Snuffles decided to chase the ducks and fell off the steps, only a couple mind you.
First I knew was a yelp and Snuffles was lying A*** over Elbow on top of some reeds,I had to hold the camera, my walking stick, and untangled the lead from the railings.
I was looking about for Jeremy Beadle when a shout came from the window of my Dad's "whit ur ye daein wi ma dug".
I looked up and here was Jane giggling at the window.
Talk about a dogs life ,Snuffles didn't get a row,I did when Jane saw the smelly sludge on her paws.
A wet towel did the trick till we got home.
Who said retirement was easy ,I am traumatised with the whole episode
I am sure I will get a lot of sympathy from my fellowblippers :)

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