Wound up in Wexford

By Neatwithice

A flower

A pretty flower in the garden.  I can't remember what it's called.  (Edit - W has reminded me of the name - it's a Gazania).  This plant flowered once, the flowers have all faded, and I thought that was our lot.  But now there is a second crop of flowers developing.  A nice bit of colour.

It's been quite sunny, but I have to admit to having indoor tasks today.  Having finally sorted out all dad's legacies, I cleared most the papers to do with his estate from my desk.  Much has gone into the recycling bin, a little has gone into the filing cabinet, just in case.

Clearing a space in the filing cabinet led to me sorting out my side of the drawer - clearing some stuff that was very old, and relabelling some of the hanging files.

Being in the mood for "sorting", I decided to try to work out how to make my photos more accessible, and discovered how easy it is to tag them in Window Photo Gallery - why did I not know this before?  Now I have 3 years of photos to tag!  Never mind the many years of sporadic photos from pre-Blip existence. 

I've tagged 2 months (mid October to mid December 2014) this afternoon, but was then interrupted by an email containing a document for me to read and edit.  But I've tagged today's photos - there's only a couple, mind you.

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