Slow Blink

Dear Fat Pete and Princess Normal,

"Oh you must be looking forward to escaping the Scottish Summer ha ha ha."

I have heard this SO MUCH for the past six weeks. Really a lot. At first I answered like this:

"Oh WHAT Scottish Summer? Ha ha."

But after the 1000th time I started answering like this:

"Oh just eff off you boring b******."

But for your info it has been EFFING FREEZING here. With TORRENTIAL rain!

The Big Nipper looked out of the window. "You think this is bad? Wait until you get to Wellington. They get MAYBE five nice days a year down there."

Fortunately I am not here for the weather or I would be trying to get an NZ refund right now.

But rain does not bother me, which is why I volunteered to take Tiggy for a walk this morning. He hasn't been out for 3 days which explains why he has been bounding around the place like a kangaroo on a space-hopper. He was so desperate he nearly yanked my arm out of the socket on our way to the seashore (only 5 minutes away fortunately).

When we were there I ran him ragged. Princess, you would have been proud of me. I was in total pathfinder mode. We tracked through the beach-scrub, over dunes and down to the incoming tide. And I kept throwing Tiggy's ball downhill to make him run and run and run.

"Och ya effer," I imagined him saying every time I did it. "Are ya effing KIDDING? Down the hill AGAIN?!"

I don't know why he has your voice, Fat Pete. He just does.

After a while the bounce went out of his bungee and he started collapsing into the scrub with his ball. "If you think I'm giving it to you to throw away again you've got another think coming...."

I walked him back to Feefs's house after 90 minutes. "You've broken my dog!" she claimed. That was about 5 hours ago. He's been asleep ever since.

Moki the cat has taken advantage of the tranquility by snuggling up close and giving me loves too. He's an old chap cat, a tabby who likes a quiet life but wants to hang out nearby. Right now he is next to my elbow, rumbling quietly to himself and giving me the slow blink. That subtle sign that a kitty loves you.

It's lovely. I'm having a great day. Feefs took us to lunch with the Big Nipper and we had a great laugh. Tonight I have offered to make fajitas, we are getting some wine in, life is good.

I couldn't help but think a bit about Daftie Dog on Blackford Hill though. And my little guys currently sitting in quarantine. Animals are great but I want them all here with me all the time. A future as a scary mad animal person awaits me, I fear.

Yours, giving you both the slow blink.


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