The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

A Break From Homework

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

Today was one of those days where it was rainy and I was glad. It was the perfect excuse to stay inside and potter.

The Mini Princesses and I decided to do some baking. I swiftly suggested that they choose one thing each to bake. Past experience dictates that when they bake together, this tends to lead to tears from at least one of them, occasionally both, and with my Tourette's filters coming close to breaking point. I also did not want to feel the need for gin before lunchtime.

In fairness, we had a lovely time. Now that they are back at school, we are back on the hamster wheel of after school activities (Water polo? Ooh we must be officially middle class) and homework.

Youngest Mini Princess has been doing LOTS of homework in her room since starting High School. I was starting to be concerned about her workload until she came downstairs after one of her 'exhausting' homework sessions and I felt compelled to ask if hair straightening and nail painting had been added to the curriculum.

The Prince was delighted with the results of our baking. He has the sweetest tooth of any human being I have met. He could take on a room full of women with PMT in a cake eating contest and it would be a whitewash.


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