The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

An Evening With David Sedaris

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

The Prince and I went to see David Sedaris speak about his new book 'Theft By Finding' at the Usher Hall.

He is BRILLIANT. I have read some of his writing, but in person he is MUCH funnier.

He started with a story about doing a book tour with viral gastroenteritis, the fear of publicly disgracing himself and how in this eventuality, his plan was to kill everyone who had borne witness.

He shared that his partner, Hugh won't pee in front of him and firmly shuts the bathroom door. He said that he calls through the door…

'I had that in my mouth 10 minutes ago ago but NOW it's a private part'

He continued by speaking both poignantly and amusingly in turn about his Mother's alcoholism and then reading hilarious diary entries from his new book.

He finished by taking questions from the audience. He was asked the difference between American and British humour. He told a very close to the bone joke about Princess Diana which had everyone crying with laughter. He explained that he had told the same joke in America but no one had even raised a smile.

We went for a drink afterwards in the Beer Kitchen with our lovely neighbours and went home to a child free house as both Mini Princesses were staying with friends. I suspect they were both up later than us.

Thank you so much for the tickets O'H my dear. It was a fantastic evening.


PS I was given a telling off for taking this picture and pointed in the direction of a very large 'No Photography or Filming' sign. Two metres away. I'm a proper rebel I am!

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