Bright in the ......
....... sunshine .
My friend gave me this perennial about 3 weeks ago. I do hope the " Coreopsis Sunray" lasts and returns to flower next year. I must say it gives a bit of brightness in the rather " fading " pots!
The sun is shinning but I'm indoors, how I miss my 4 wheel steed! It seems that the end of the week will be the earliest for its return from the garage.
I went to Waitrose this am but got soo little but the bag was still to heavy for me to carry from the bus stop. Rang my neighbour who kindly came to rescue me!!! Thank you " M " I'm very grateful.
I'm feeling rather low at the moment wouldn't even be able to go to church,which I love on a Sunday. Hey ho there's many worse off.
Thankful ...... to have a good neighbour this am.
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