
By CharlotteJ


Odd title?! ...I have a little story; please don't feel you have to read....
My grandmother died when I was six, she was the only grandparent I ever knew let alone remember! The others had passed away long before I was born.
I remember lots about her and lots about her home.
Walking past a charity shop a week ago I stopped in my tracks to see this embroidered Peacock, I gasped in complete surprise at the Peacock and also at the fact I had been transported back to my grandmothers home and I was aged 5! Hubby was wondering why I had stopped! Quite simply my grandmother had pretty much the same type of embroidered Peacock hanging on her wall all those years ago. Sadly the shop was shut. I had intentions of going back on the Monday but work had other ideas. Move on to this Tuesday a whole week and a few days later and hubby was going past the shop and saw the 'picture' had been moved out of the window so he asked inside the shop if it had been sold. Yes they said but the gentleman who wanted it had not been back and it was in the back of the shop waiting for him. They said that if he had not been back by Thursday for us to pop in. So today we 'popped' back and to my delight they still had it! So now this and two others of similar style are now mine. I am so happy! The other two are delightful but this to me has a memory that I will always treasure.
Where will it my front room - its not modern or in keeping with my contemporary taste but that does not matter (I might re frame it!) and it may not be my grandmothers but I look at it and think of her. Always in my heart, always in my memory and never forgotten I wish I could tell her how much of an impact she had on my life.

With love

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