
By CharlotteJ

I?m trying!

Ok, so this really is not great but I am trying....popped outside as I thought the orange / red berries looked pretty! The pic has not come out great but I was surprised to see the rain drops hanging from a few when I opened the file up....can you see the drops? Please say you can!! I would love to know how to capture them better, so I am putting this out there to the more knowledgeable on how to capture raindrops in that lovely dreamy 'I have not tried' too hard way.

Other news but also related to rain - I noticed today that these words were used rather a lot ' teaming down'. I know if refers to rain but why and how did rain that was very heavy become known as 'teaming down'?
Second news apologies for the double write up yesterday. I have no idea how this happened!
Happy Wednesday evening everyone

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